Wedding Business Solutions

Are you rejection proof?

July 24, 2024 Alan Berg, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow

Are you rejection proof?

What does rejection really mean to you? Do you take it personally when a potential client says no? Are you holding yourself back from opportunities because you're afraid of hearing that dreaded word? In this episode, I delve into the insights from the book *Rejection Proof* by Zhi Zhang Jiajiang and discuss how shifting your perspective on rejection can transform not just your sales tactics, but your entire mindset.

Listen to this new 7-minute episode for strategies on overcoming your fear of rejection and turning it into a powerful tool for success.

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Are you rejection proof? Listen to this episode. See what I'm talking about. Hi, it's Alan Berg. Welcome back to another episode of the Wedding Business Solutions podcast. I just finished listening to a book called Rejection Proof by Zhi Zhang Jiajiang, and the subtitle is how I beat fear and became invincible through 100 days of rejection. I actually had the pleasure of seeing him speak at a National Speakers association conference a few years ago. And I don't know why I didn't listen to his book back then. Maybe it wasn't on audio, I don't know, but I didn't.

And it came up in my suggestions, or maybe I had it in my saved list on audible. But I just finished listening to it, and now I'm sorry I didn't listen to it sooner. It was a really, really interesting book about his journey. Now he talks about how he tried to make himself more comfortable with rejection by in 100 days, doing 100 things, asking for things that he expected to get rejected, although he didn't get rejected on a lot of them, which is not necessarily upsetting, but a lot of them he certainly did. And you can listen to the book and hear about some of the things that he did. The book starts with him talking about how he lives in Texas. He's born in China, so he's an asian man. And he walks up to just a random door, knocks on the door, and asks this person there if he can go into his backyard, play soccer.

And if the man would take a picture of him playing soccer in his backyard. He doesn't know this person at all, and there's no good reason why the person should do it. And they do it. He lets them do it. It was around the Olympics. And he goes to Krispy Kreme and asks them if they'll make five donuts interlocked in the colors of the Olympic rings, but interlocked and expecting totally been told no. And 15 minutes later, he had it. And they didn't charge him.

And it goes viral and all this kind of stuff. But what's interesting about it is it's really about approaching what rejection means to you, that you're not being rejected most of the time. And most of the time, you know, you think, hey, I just got rejected. It was an idea of yours or a suggestion of yours, or maybe you didn't make the sale and you're saying that you got rejected. Well, we're not always the best choice, and not everything is something that you want to do or that maybe somebody doesn't connect with you. As well as somebody else. But it really comes down to how you approach it, because as a salesperson, and most of you listening, if not all of you listening, have to do sales either all the time or part of the time. If you own a business, certainly you have to do that.

And you're not just selling products and services. You're also selling your ideas. You're selling to your team, right. You're selling ideas to your team, and then they have to see you as the leader, and they want to follow you. So, really, really interesting book. And thinking about how do you approach that? A lot of the times when I come in for sales training and I have individual companies that bring me in, people that have multiple locations and then bigger companies as well. And a lot of times what I'm asked to teach is how to close the sale, because people are really good at talking about their product. They're really good at being passionate about what it is that they do and the results that they're going to provide.

Yet they fall short of finishing the job. They fall short of doing that last thing, which is actually asking for the sale. And some people, it's because they're afraid of rejection, because they look at it and they take it personally and say, if I don't make this sale, they're rejecting me. No, they're not. No, they're not. And a matter of fact, the more comfortable you are with the idea of rejection, the more sales you're actually going to make, because it's you bringing that in. If that baggage that you're bringing in that prevents you from closing the sale much of the time, if, if not most of the time, there are certainly times when you're not the right fit. There are certainly times when the budget just doesn't work.

There are certainly times when they connect with somebody else just differently than you, even though they did like you, they connected with somebody else better, or there's some reason that they go with someone else instead of you, you didn't get rejected. The idea of working with you on this project, on this event, on this wedding or whatever, they just decided that somebody else or someone else or something else was a better fit for them. If you're going to take that personally every time, just get out of sales or do like G did, which is learn how to accept rejection better, learn how to just approach it differently and say, hey, he says in there, that objection is just a number. Rejection is just a number. Which means how many more times do you have to ask until you might get a yes? And I know there's different sales strategies with that. What they say that, you know, that every no leads you to a yes. Theres also a lot of them that debunk that because the sales arent connected. The next customer isnt connected to this one.

So the fact that this one said yes or no has no bearing on the next one except what you bring to it. Except your attitude. Except the way that you approach sales. If you watch the best athletes, a tennis player, a golfer, basketball player, whatever, if somebody misses a shot, right, or flubs something, if they're able to shake that off and then just take the next one and then just approach it again without bringing that baggage, they're one of the more successful people. It's those of us that take that bad shot and then the next one, you're just saying, hey, don't make another bad shot, or we just, our attitude totally changes. That's where we fail and we're failing ourselves. Nobody's failing us. We're failing ourselves because we're bringing that baggage with us.

So whether it's in sports, whether it's in life, whether it's in business, rejection proof, I think, is a really good book for you to listen to. If you're listening to books or if you're reading books, I think it's just, if you're afraid of rejection, I think you just need to approach it differently. And I think the book will help you because some of the crazy stuff that he asked for that he didn't get and some of the crazy stuff that he did get just by learning how to ask differently, I think can help you be more successful in your life because there are a lot of things in our personal life that we don't do because we're afraid of being rejected. We don't even ask because we've already decided it's not going to happen. Well, that's you deciding that, not letting the other person or the business or whatever decide that for you. So I really recommend the book. I recommend you just changing your attitude on what rejection means because it is coming from inside you. It's actually not coming from the other person.

So I hope this helps you. And if you get a chance to read the book, I hope that helps as well. Thanks to.

I’m Alan Berg. Thanks for listening. If you have any questions about this or if you’d like to suggest other topics for “The Wedding Business Solutions Podcast” please let me know. My email is or you can  text, use the short form on this page, or call +1.732.422.6362, international 001 732 422 6362. I look forward to seeing you on the next episode. Thanks.

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