Wedding Business Solutions

You've gotten them this far, now finish it!

May 29, 2024 Alan Berg, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow

You've gotten them this far, now finish it!

Do you ever feel like you can talk the talk but stumble when it's crunch time? You're not alone. Many excel in engagement and understanding customer needs, yet falter at the final hurdle—asking for the sale. Whether it's in person or online, don't wait for customers to say "yes." Actively guide them to the decision. Read back their needs, confirm, and directly propose to finalize the deal. Remember, the responsibility to close is yours. 

Listen to this new 4-minute episode for no-nonsense advice on making it happen—because you're just one bold move away from scoring those wins. 

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I'm Alan Berg. Thanks for listening. If you have any questions about this or if you'd like to suggest other topics for "The Wedding Business Solutions Podcast" please let me know. My email is Look forward to seeing you on the next episode. Thanks.

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©2024 Wedding Business Solutions LLC &

You've gotten this far. Now finish it. Hi, it's Alan Berg. Welcome back to another episode of the Wedding Business Solutions podcast. This is another, not a listener suggestion, but something that came from people that have been listening to the podcast. And I've been out doing sales training at their businesses and also from the other sales trainings that I do. And it's a very common thing in our industry. I'm sure it's very common, actually, across many industries where the salespeople are really good at knowing the product, they're really good at connecting with the customer.

They're asking good questions, and they're finding out the needs. Because if you've heard me talk about anything, we sell results. We don't sell products and services, no matter what it is you do. It's just not just a wedding and event industry thing, but what's very common is that you get them to the 1 yd line, using a football metaphor over here, you get them to the 1 yd line, and then you can't finish it. You don't ask for the sale. And I've heard this time and time and time again. And some people back, like when I was vice president of sales at the knot, I had some people, I moved from sales to customer service because they were so good at everything except closing the deal, good with the customers, knowing the product, very personable people like them, but they just weren't necessarily closers. Just had a client recently that had to let the salesperson go because they did everything except close the deal.

And now theyre closing literally eight to ten times more than the other person did because theyre doing it and asking for the sale. So are you doing the same thing? Are you having trouble getting people to commit and youre wondering, what is the problem? And is it the fact that you answer their inquiries? Well, you ask them good questions, you get them to the meeting, the call, the zoom, the in person meeting, whatever it is, but they're not closing, they're not buying. The problem could actually be the fact that you're not asking for the sale, you're not taking that last step, which is you get them interested, you find out their needs, you talk to them about what you can do for them and the results that only your company can do. They like you. They like the company, and you're waiting for them to say yes. And that's not the way it works. And if a lot of people are saying, we need to think about it or we have other places to see and things like that, it doesn't mean they won't buy today. If you've read my books, if you've heard me hear, if you've seen me speak, if you've done private or group sales training with me, you know that it's up to you to finish that.

And objections which I've talked about on other podcasts here and also in the books, objections are just kind of a yes, but here's something else, such as we have other people to see. Well, they might just feel obligated to that as opposed to they really need to someone else because they like you. They want to buy from you, but you're not asking for the sale. They need your guidance in weddings and events especially. Or if youre selling anything where someone doesnt have history understanding how to buy what it is that you do, its very possible that theyre waiting for you to say, should we move forward and give you the kind of results that weve already spoken about? Simplifying it is if you repeat back to them what they say they want in terms of results and say, did I get that right? Yes. Is there anything youre still looking for that we havent talked about? No. Well, then should we go ahead and just make that happen? It's as simple as that. Just asking for the sale after you've told them that you've been listening and you can give them the kind of results that they want, it's up to you to take that next step and ask for the sale.

So you've gotten them this far. It's up to you to finish it. It's not up to them. And if you want more tips on how to ask for the sale, there's plenty more podcasts in here about that. Plenty more in my book. Shut up and sell more. Stop selling and help them buy. Wisdom in the business of weddings, it's in all of them because it's a basic to, what I talk about basic to sales is it's up to you, the salesperson, even if you don't identify as the salesperson, whatever it is that you do, if you're the one that's sitting with a client, with a couple, with a company, you have to ask for the privilege of finishing this, which is getting to the point where actually you get to do what you talked about with them.

So you've gotten them this far, now finish it. Hope he gives you some ideas. Thanks.

I’m Alan Berg. Thanks for listening. If you have any questions about this or if you’d like to suggest other topics for “The Wedding Business Solutions Podcast” please let me know. My email is or you can  text, use the short form on this page, or call +1.732.422.6362, international 001 732 422 6362. I look forward to seeing you on the next episode. Thanks.

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